LLFS Field Center, Odense, Denmark

Mailed Communications Date Distributed
 NEWSLETTER Danish 2015  December 2015


Dr. Christensen is a world-renowned researcher in aging and longevity, having worked in the field for over 25 years. He is part-time Senior Scientist at Duke University and regularly joins forces with American scientists to unravel the secrets of longevity. He and his group have made important contributions in understanding the role of genes, life events, and other aspects of a person’s environment in achieving a healthy and long life. His group studies people from all over Denmark using Danish National Population Registers and in home visits. He has closely studied a large number of twins – 86,000 sets born over the last 145 years – to determine the relative contributions of genes and environment to the aging process.
Dr. Christensen and the Danish people will make a unique and important contribution to this Long Life Family Study.
Department of Epidemiology http://www.sdu.dk/epidemiologi?sc_lang=en
Danish Aging Research Center http://www.sdu.dk/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/DARC.aspx?sc_lang=en