LLFS Field Center, Boston University

Mailed Communications Date Distributed
 NEWSLETTER Boston 2018  December 2018
 NEWSLETTER Boston 2016  July 2016
 NEWSLETTER Boston 2015  June 2015

The Genetics of Longevity Study
The Genetics of Longevity Study is an international survey of centenarians and their siblings. We examine potential genes they may have in common and other lifestyle factors that could influence the ability to achieve extreme old age. Participation involves health and family history questionnaires, as well as a small blood donation for the genetic aspect of the study. To enter the study we ask that the subject be 105+ years old. If the potential subject has living siblings, then a younger centenarian may be eligible.
Boston University School of Medicine
Division of Geriatrics – MED Geriatrics
715 Albany Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Website: http://www.bumc.bu.edu/centenarian/

Person Role Email Work phone
Stacy Andersen Project Manager stacy@bu.edu (617) 638-6679
Thomas Perls Project Investigator thperls@bu.edu (617) 638-6688
Paola Sebastiani Investigator Biostatistics sebas@bu.edu (617) 638-5877
Research Assistants
Mara Black Research Assistant mjblack@bu.edu (617) 638-6433
Christopher Flynn Research Assistant crflynn@bu.edu (617)638-6680
CeCelia Palow Research Assistant cpalow@bu.edu (617) 638-6432
Setari Parsa Research Assistant sparsa23@bu.edu (617) 638-6622

Framingham Heart Study

Person Role Email Work phone
Kathy Lunetta Collaborative Investigator klunetta@bu.edu (617) 414-2837
Joanne Murabito Collaborative Investigator murabito@bu.edu (508) 935-3461

University of Pennsylvania

Person Role Email Work phone
Irma Elo (UPenn) Collaborative Investigator popelo@pop.upenn.edu (215) 898-9162